All mixes are handcrafted in small batches at time of order.

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Payment method for cash customers; please arrange this prior to shopping.

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Our spice blends do not contain anti caking agents, so it will cake together from time to time depending on the mixture and moisture ratio.
The blends are perfectly fine, it just requires a little human connection to encourage it to flow freely. Think of it as adding love to your dishes.

Some of our salt blends use rice flour as an anti caking agent.

Handling time is 3 days as all orders are prepared when they are received.

Organic Ayurvedic Churna - Pitta Dosha

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Product Details
Churnas are Ayurvedic spice mixes designed to balance your doshas. They help to regulate and keep the body in balance and harmony. That is a simplistic explanation of ayurvedic spice mixes. Ayurveda is the Hindu system of medicine which is based on the idea of balance. This is too complex to share here on these pages. There are many ayurvedic practitioners that have studied for decades, and their experience should be sought out if you are interested in Ayurveda. Here we merely seek to bring to you a minute fraction of that in these churnas. Something to add to your daily routine, something to enhance your life. Sprinkle in foods, on salads, try it as a tea by steeping 1 teaspoon to a cup of water.

Organic Ingredients: coriander, cumin, fennel, turmeric, cardamom, cloves

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